Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Some people...

A friend of mine posted a Blog of Chase, the cat. She's acts and behaves just like a normal cat but she had an accident when she was young and survived. Her face is disfigured but her owners love and adore her and I praise them for it.

What really got me was the friend of my friend (confusing, I know), had commented:


Now, WHO the HELL are you to tell another sentient being that they should have died at the accident?? Chase obviously is living her life to the fullest and though she may be disfigured, one should not judge. That's just wrong. As per my reply to the above comment:

"I think its amazing that she's lived from her ordeal and should not be judge by her looks and be allowed to live a full and happy life. It's like saying to someone that survived a fire and has the burnt flesh disfigurations or people born without limbs, that should not be, even though they want to live? Let's look beyond the looks, as beauty is only skin deep.

On the other hand, people that go through major plastic surgery just for the sake of looking young/ beautiful but it goes wrong, should be given the option of ending it... LOL"

Anyway, some people should just grow up and get over themselves...

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