Why is it when life throws me lemons and I try to make lemonade but end up creating a diaster? When I think life is getting good and I'm finally on the right track with things, I just end up hurting myself and the others around me. And suffering from lack of self interest, bouts of depression and just not thinking clearly, that I really end up not knowing what to do with myself. Advice and love from my friends is great but at times it just not enough.
How is it that a grown man, such as myself, can be degraded to a such a state of instability? I often wonder why I make the choices I do and it bothers me that I can't move on from this hiatus that I have so self imposed onto myself. What is blocking me from growing and moving on with life? These are some of the questions that go through my head and heart, and when they both are asking the same question, that's where my procrastination of life starts and I let everything slip to a state that I feel I have no control.
I better start looking for a new recipe for lemons I guess...
Life is full of promises and disappointments... Just let your happiness carry through the sad times... =D