Well, it's been a while since I've written anything & I've been quite busy, with traveling, work and wondering what the hell I'm going to do after my work lets me go.
To catch up, I went with friends to Toronto for Pride. It was great seeing old friends and making new ones! I had never partied like that before in a long time! Spent a lot of money but it was worth it.
The following week, I had traveled to Salt Lake City, UT for work. I was there for an additional two weeks. Between work, I managed to do quite a bit of sightseeing. Went to National Canyon Park, The Delicate Arches, Moab and Helper to name a few places I visited.
The dry summer heat in Utah gave me a cinnamon tan like I've not had in years! It really brings out the red blonde highlights I got done while I was down there. Everyone in Utah is either tall, blonde, blue eyed or Latino.
Life is full of promises and disappointments... Just let your happiness carry through the sad times... =D